
Is moringa guaranteed 100% organic?

Yes, at Moringa+Boost, we are uncom­pro­mi­sing and even go beyond Euro­pean requi­re­ments. Indeed, since morin­ga leaves are har­ves­ted eve­ry month during the sum­mer sea­son in Europe, and all year round in India and Afri­ca, the pes­ti­cides would not have time to disap­pear. So avoid consu­ming morin­ga of dubious origin.


Are the products Vegan?

Yes, all our pro­ducts are 100% vegan. Moringa+Boost Immune Sys­tem cap­sules are also vegetarian-coated.

Moringa+Boost product tips
for Health

What is the “recommended” daily dose of moringa ?

Pow­der form :

  • 2 gr. per day for adults with a nor­mal life.
  • 5 gr. per day for adults with a spor­ty or very active lifestyle.


Is there any danger if I consume too much moringa?

No, no serious side effects have ever been expe­rien­ced with exces­sive morin­ga consump­tion. Howe­ver, you should bear in mind that morin­ga is slight­ly laxa­tive, and too much can cause diar­rhoea in some people, although this is of no consequence.


When shouldn’t I take moringa?

Pregnant women

Due to its high vita­min A content, morin­ga should not be taken in any form during pre­gnan­cy. In fact, an over­dose of vita­min A can be dan­ge­rous for the baby. Since we don’t always cal­cu­late the level of vita­mins we take in unno­ti­ced from other foods, don’t take morin­ga if you’re pre­gnant or think you might be. It’s only in regions suf­fe­ring from mal­nu­tri­tion that morin­ga is recom­men­ded to expec­tant mothers, pre­ci­se­ly to make up for this lack of vita­min A. On the other hand, as soon as the baby is born, nur­sing mothers are stron­gly advi­sed to consume morin­ga to encou­rage milk pro­duc­tion (Morin­ga leaf pow­der + Ace­ro­la Moringa+Boost PREMIUM is ideal in smoothies).


When shouldn’t I take moringa?


When you’re hypo­gly­ce­mic, don’t take morin­ga as it lowers blood sugar levels, which is of course bene­fi­cial, but logi­cal­ly for­bid­den in cases of hypoglycemia.


I’m diabetic. Can I take moringa?

Abso­lu­te­ly! Morin­ga is high­ly recom­men­ded for type 1 and type 2 dia­be­tics, as it can help lower blood sugar levels and thus contri­bute to a reduc­tion in insu­lin intake, under medi­cal super­vi­sion. Consump­tion of morin­ga does not, of course, stop the medi­cal treat­ment of dia­betes, but it can contri­bute to the dia­be­tic’s dai­ly comfort.


I’m overweight. Can I take moringa?

The ribo­fla­vin and fiber contai­ned in morin­ga can help lower cho­les­te­rol levels when taken dai­ly in pow­der form, to be com­bi­ned with a sui­table diet under medi­cal super­vi­sion.


Orders (See GTC)

Orders are pre­pa­red and dis­pat­ched the same day if pla­ced on our web­site from Mon­day to Fri­day before 6:00 pm (EET).