

Native to India, Morin­ga Olei­fe­ra has been culti­va­ted for mil­len­nia in the foo­thil­ls of the Hima­layas, sprea­ding throu­ghout India where it is consu­med as a fresh food, but also and above all in Ayur­ve­dic medi­cine, where it is used to treat 300 illnesses. 


Also known as the “Tree of Life”, Morin­ga is a real immune sys­tem boos­ter.
Recent scien­ti­fic stu­dies by pres­ti­gious orga­ni­za­tions, inclu­ding the NIH (Natio­nal Ins­ti­tute of Health — USA), the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, the UN, as well as nume­rous inde­pendent research labo­ra­to­ries, have docu­men­ted all the bene­fits this plant brings to our bodies.

Rich in pro­tein, Morin­ga also contains 48 antioxi­dants, 12 vita­mins (A (beta-caro­tene), B1, B2 (ribo­fla­vin), B3 (or PP), B5, B6, B8, B9, B12, C, E, K), 13 mine­rals and trace ele­ments inclu­ding Magne­sium, Iron, Cal­cium, Man­ga­nese, Phos­pho­rus, Potas­sium, Sodium and Zinc, Ome­ga 3 and Ome­ga 6 fat­ty acids, 20 ami­no acids inclu­ding 8 essen­tial ones such as Iso­leu­cine, Leu­cine, Lysine, Valine, Methio­nine, Threo­nine, Phe­ny­la­la­nine and Tryptophan.

Thanks to its phy­to­the­ra­peu­tic pro­per­ties, Morin­ga leaf powder:

  • Streng­thens the immune system
  • Offers extra­or­di­na­ry anti-inflam­ma­to­ry properties
  • Is a power­ful antioxidant
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Helps regu­late blood glu­cose levels
  • Helps fill nutri­tio­nal deficiencies
  • Faci­li­tates intes­ti­nal transit
  • Helps reduce oxi­da­tive stress


We work clo­se­ly with small pro­du­cers in Anda­lu­sia, a land of sun­shine, crad­led by Medi­ter­ra­nean and Atlan­tic winds.

They have com­mit­ted to a strict Eco­lo­gi­cal Char­ter to pro­duce the purest morin­ga loa­ded with the pro­teins, vita­mins and trace ele­ments you find in Moringa+Boost products.

Did you know that?

A true immune sys­tem boos­ter, morin­ga has much more to tell you … 

Water purifier

Morin­ga seeds are used to puri­fy water. In fact, the seeds’ bark has a floc­cu­la­ting effect that attracts impu­ri­ties, pro­du­cing low-cost drin­king water in regions affec­ted by dys­en­te­ry, cau­sed by tur­bid water.

Old Testament

In Egypt, this prac­tice has been known since the dawn of time. Some say it’s alrea­dy men­tio­ned in the Bible (Exo­dus, chap­ter 15:22 to 15:25), when Yah­weh tells Moses, faced with his people exhaus­ted and thirs­ty from the desert cros­sing, to throw the branch of a tree pre­su­med to be the morin­ga into the stag­nant waters of Mara so that they can drink it. 

Where Moringa comes from

Culti­va­ted for mil­len­nia at the foot of the Hima­layas and for the past few decades in Afri­ca, morin­ga is now also grown in sou­thern Europe. In the wild, morin­ga can exceed 10 meters in height, but is pru­ned seve­ral times a year when used for food. Some also grow it as fod­der for live­stock, pro­du­cing a higher yield per hec­tare, but with lower pro­tein content. 


Morin­ga’s high iron content (14.8 mg/100g) and Vita­min E (11 mg/100g) can help relieve mens­trual pro­blems and com­pen­sate for weak­ness due to blood loss.
A diet rich in nutrients, also high­ly concen­tra­ted in morin­ga, such as cal­cium (1,870 mg/100g) and magne­sium (396 mg/100g), contri­butes to women’s com­fort just before and during mens­trua­tion.
Morin­ga and Ace­ro­la Leaf Pow­der Moringa+Boost PREMIUM brings you all the nutrients contai­ned in morin­ga, and boosts vita­min C intake with acerola.

Health cocktail

A true concen­trate of Natu­re’s good­ness, morin­ga contains, on an equal weight basis, more vita­min A than car­rots, more vita­min B1 and B2 than yeast, more vita­min B12 and cal­cium than milk, more vita­min C than oranges, more vita­min E than wheat germ, more potas­sium than bana­nas and more iron than spi­nach! When we told you that morin­ga is a gene­rous plant … 


In the mor­ning or at snack time, a morin­ga smoo­thie is ideal for a heal­thy boost of ener­gy. Mix 2 teas­poons of Morin­ga Leaf Pow­der + Moringa+Boost PREMIUM Ace­ro­la with the fruit of your choice for a vita­min-rich, pro­tein-packed cock­tail that will give you a boost for the rest of the day. Morin­ga goes very well with bana­na, apple, pineapple, peach, man­go, apri­cot, car­rot, cele­ry and gin­ger, for example.


Morin­ga contains a lot of zea­tin, which is why the plant grows so fast. In-vitro stu­dies have shown that zea­tin can help slow skin aging. 

Moringa helps vulnerable populations

Today, the WHO (World Health Orga­ni­za­tion) uses morin­ga for mal­nou­ri­shed popu­la­tions, as it pro­vides essen­tial nutrients and enables small local far­mers to make a living from it. The vir­tuous circle is thus com­plete. The Red Cross, Action Against Hun­ger and UNICEF also recom­mend the use of morin­ga to com­pen­sate for nutri­tio­nal deficiencies. 

Pro­gram “La Quotidienne
Silence ça pousse!” program
Chris­tophe Ber­nard’s blog

Morin­ga: The Miracle Tree

Morin­ga : Bein­dru­ckende Wirkungen

10 Bene­fi­ci del­la Moringa

Das sind die über­ra­schende Vor­teile von Morin­ga für die Gesundheit!