Our values

How it all began 

Let’s res­pect our bodies by res­pec­ting Nature, because the two are inseparable.

Inten­sive far­ming, the drying up of the water table and glo­bal war­ming are all fac­tors that are impo­ve­ri­shing the Earth and rui­ning our chil­dren’s future. 

Having lived for many years in Anda­lu­sia, and aware that inten­sive agri­cul­ture is deple­ting natu­ral resources, our foun­der met res­pon­sible far­mers who were as pas­sio­nate as they were com­mit­ted to fin­ding sus­tai­nable plant spe­cies for the pla­net, and who told him about moringa. 

Culti­va­ted in India for thou­sands of years, the cli­mate of sou­thern Europe is per­fect­ly sui­ted to the sus­tai­nable culti­va­tion of moringa.

Morin­ga is an extre­me­ly nutrient-rich plant that requires very lit­tle water, unlike other fruits and vegetables.

Aware of the extra­or­di­na­ry bene­fits of this plant, reco­gni­zed by the WHO, the Red Cross and other inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­za­tions such as Action Against Hun­ger, we wan­ted to share them with as many people as pos­sible by crea­ting ranges of heal­thy, effec­tive superfoods.

Fair trade agriculture

At Moringa+Boost, we are com­mit­ted to gro­wing and dis­tri­bu­ting only fair-trade, eco-res­pon­sible products.

As morin­ga draws all its ener­gy from the soil, trans­forms it and stores it in its leaves, it’s impe­ra­tive to grow it in a strict­ly eco­lo­gi­cal way. Only drip irri­ga­tion and natu­ral fer­ti­li­zers are nee­ded during the growth phase. Howe­ver, this requires spe­cial care and atten­tion on the part of the farmer.

Morin­ga’s yield per hec­tare means that small-scale far­mers can make a decent living, without having to own hec­tares of land as with other crops such as wheat, corn and sun­flo­wer, or set up cost­ly and des­truc­tive infra­struc­ture as with inten­sive mar­ket gardening.

Our far­mers are paid a fair price because they are the ones who raise the morin­ga you find in Moringa+Boost pro­ducts, with pas­sion and res­pect for nature. They are com­mit­ted to res­pec­ting the Moringa+Boost Char­ter and work exclu­si­ve­ly organically.

So yes, at Moringa+Boost we’re proud of them and proud to be able, thanks to them, to offer you heal­thy, tas­ty pro­ducts that will improve your dai­ly life.


We work exclu­si­ve­ly with the Morin­ga Olei­fe­ra variety. 

Morin­ga grows extre­me­ly fast: bet­ween 3 and 4 cm a day, and can reach heights of 10 to 12 metres! 

To opti­mize the pro­tein and nutrient load in the leaves, we deci­ded to keep them at a height of 1.80 / 2 meters and har­vest them from June to September. 

Morin­ga does not tole­rate clay soils. It needs a san­dy or loa­my, well-drai­ned soil. 

An eco­lo­gi­cal plant if ever there was one, its tube­rous root stores water long enough to sur­vive droughts. 

In our plan­ta­tions, drip irri­ga­tion and natu­ral, orga­nic fer­ti­li­zers rein­force the plant’s roots so that it can draw all the ele­ments it needs for growth from the soil. Sun and Nature do the rest… 

Research & Development

We control the entire pro­duc­tion chain, from seed to fini­shed pro­duct, in various Euro­pean work­shops and research laboratories. 

Always dri­ven by the desire to offer the best pro­ducts for consu­mer health, our R&D depart­ment works on inno­va­tive pro­ducts so that eve­ryone can find the die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment that meets their spe­ci­fic needs.

So, yes, it requires a great deal of tes­ting and invest­ment, as with the deve­lop­ment of the flag­ship pro­ducts in our Health range: our Moringa+Boost Meno­pause and Moringa+Boost Seniors gel sticks and our Moringa+Boost Ener­gi­zing Shot for top-level ath­letes, because in addi­tion to their extra­or­di­na­ry health bene­fits, we want our pro­ducts to taste good too.

Once the per­fect nutri­tio­nal and vita­min balance and dosages have been achie­ved, the fla­vour spe­cia­lists (taste, tex­ture, smell) come into play to create deli­cious, heal­thy products.

moringa research
moringa R&D

Our resear­chers remem­ber this … and we are dee­ply gra­te­ful for their per­se­ve­rance, which has enabled us to bring you the unique Moringa+Boost pro­duct ranges of which we are par­ti­cu­lar­ly proud.


The morin­ga’s growth cycle in Europe takes place main­ly bet­ween June and September. 

During this per­iod, we har­vest 3 crops by hand and dry them natu­ral­ly on ven­ti­la­ted racks, pro­tec­ted from the sun, on the very site where they were grown, without hand­ling or transport. 

This not only reduces the car­bon foot­print on the pla­net, but also pre­serves the maxi­mum natu­ral pro­per­ties of the fresh leaf, since washing and drying are car­ried out on the same day as harvesting. 

When the plants are opti­mal­ly dried, we turn them into pow­der in our cer­ti­fied orga­nic work­shops a few kilo­me­ters away, and pack them imme­dia­te­ly in her­me­ti­cal­ly sea­led bags, pro­tec­ted from the sun’s rays. 

This strict, time-tes­ted pro­cess gives Moringa+Boost morin­ga its very high content of nutrients, vita­mins, mine­rals, trace ele­ments and ami­no acids, which are natu­ral­ly found in our fini­shed products.