How to maintain stable blood sugar levels as we age

10 Sep 2023 | Health and Moringa, Seniors

As we age, health becomes a major prio­ri­ty. Among the many aspects to consi­der, main­tai­ning stable blood sugar levels is essen­tial to prevent health pro­blems asso­cia­ted with dia­betes and aging.

Blood glu­cose regu­la­tion is key to avoi­ding serious long-term health problems.

In this article, we’ll explore in detail age-rela­ted changes in blood sugar levels, the chal­lenges this poses and the role of morin­ga, a plant with impres­sive pro­per­ties, reco­gni­zed by Euro­pean Health Autho­ri­ties for its abi­li­ty to help sta­bi­lize blood sugar levels.

● Age-related blood glucose levels

Mana­ging blood glu­cose becomes increa­sin­gly cru­cial with age, espe­cial­ly in cases of insu­lin resistance.

Aging is a natu­ral pro­cess, accom­pa­nied by phy­sio­lo­gi­cal changes. One of these major changes concerns blood sugar regu­la­tion. Blood sugar levels are a key fac­tor in meta­bo­lic health. As we age, our bodies under­go changes that affect the way they regu­late blood sugar levels.

One of the main changes asso­cia­ted with aging is redu­ced insu­lin sen­si­ti­vi­ty. Insu­lin is the hor­mone res­pon­sible for regu­la­ting blood sugar levels. Insu­lin resis­tance means that the body’s cells become less reac­tive to insu­lin, resul­ting in higher blood sugar levels. Insu­lin resis­tance is one of the main risk fac­tors for type 2 dia­betes, a com­mon disease among the elderly.

What’s more, the pan­creas’ abi­li­ty to pro­duce insu­lin can dimi­nish with age. This double blow to blood sugar regu­la­tion can lead to blood sugar spikes after meals, contri­bu­ting to the deve­lop­ment of type 2 dia­betes, other meta­bo­lic health pro­blems and even car­dio­vas­cu­lar complications.

It is the­re­fore essen­tial to take steps to main­tain stable blood sugar levels as we age, in order to prevent these health problems.

● Moringa and blood sugar stabilization

Morin­ga, also known as the “miracle tree” for its many health-giving pro­per­ties, is native to India and South Asia.

It is also grown in Afri­ca and, more recent­ly, in sou­thern Europe.

Morin­ga is increa­sin­gly reco­gni­zed world­wide for its health bene­fits, inclu­ding its abi­li­ty to help sta­bi­lize blood sugar levels. The ami­no acids present in morin­ga play a key role in blood glu­cose regulation.

Morin­ga leaves are rich in nutrients, inclu­ding vita­mins (nota­bly vita­min C, vita­min A and vita­min K), mine­rals (such as cal­cium, potas­sium and iron), antioxi­dants and essen­tial ami­no acids. One of morin­ga’s key com­pounds, quer­ce­tin, is known for its role in blood sugar regu­la­tion. It helps reduce insu­lin resis­tance, pro­mo­ting bet­ter absorp­tion of glu­cose by cells.

Nume­rous stu­dies have been car­ried out to assess the effects of morin­ga on blood sugar levels, with pro­mi­sing results. Morin­ga can help reduce blood glu­cose levels, improve glu­cose tole­rance and reduce insu­lin resis­tance. These bene­fits make morin­ga an inva­luable ally in the fight against fluc­tua­ting blood sugar levels, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the aging population.

● European recognition of Moringa for its properties

Accor­ding to the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, morin­ga is a viable option for the treat­ment of diabetes.

Morin­ga has attrac­ted the atten­tion of Euro­pean health autho­ri­ties for its bene­fits on blood sugar levels. The Euro­pean Food Safe­ty Agen­cy (EFSA) has issued a sta­te­ment on morin­ga and its role in main­tai­ning nor­mal blood sugar levels. This recog­ni­tion means that morin­ga can be used as a die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment to help sta­bi­lize blood sugar levels, offe­ring a natu­ral way to prevent exces­sive fluctuations.

EFSA has revie­wed the avai­lable scien­ti­fic evi­dence and conclu­ded that morin­ga consump­tion can help main­tain nor­mal blood sugar levels. This recog­ni­tion is the result of exten­sive research into the health bene­fits of morin­ga, inclu­ding its posi­tive effects on blood sugar levels. This is a signi­fi­cant advance for those loo­king for natu­ral solu­tions to manage their blood sugar levels.

● How to include Moringa in your diet

If you want to take advan­tage of morin­ga’s bene­fits for main­tai­ning stable blood sugar levels, here are a few ways to incor­po­rate it into your diet:

1. Green smoothies :

Add Morin­ga­Boost PREMIUM Morin­ga & Ace­ro­la Pow­der to your smoo­thies for a power­ful dose of nutri­tion. Green smoo­thies are a great way to consume nutrient-rich lea­fy greens.

2 teas­poons per ser­ving will give you all the bene­fits of morin­ga in your glass.

2. Moringa powder in Recipes :

Morin­ga­Boost PREMIUM Morin­ga & Ace­ro­la Pow­der can be incor­po­ra­ted into a varie­ty of recipes. You can add it to salads, soups, sauces and cooked dishes. Morin­ga adds a her­ba­ceous note to your dishes.

Tip: to main­tain all its pro­per­ties, sprinkle over your dishes at the end of cooking.

Have you ever tried sub­sti­tu­ting morin­ga pow­der for basil in your pes­to? Its spi­cy, her­ba­ceous fla­vour will give all your recipes a kick!

3. Moringa Dietary Supplements :

Taking these key points for the health of seniors as the basis for the deve­lop­ment of its range, Morin­ga­Boost has deve­lo­ped SENIORS gel sticks, with a mild, plea­sant taste, to be taken in the mor­ning at break­fast, on their own or with yoghurt.

Made with morin­ga and ace­ro­la, they contain the nutrients the body needs to stay in shape: Vita­mins A, B1 (Thia­mine), C, E, Magne­sium and Calcium.

4. Moringa infusion :

Morin­ga­Boost VITALITY infu­sion, with Morin­ga, Guayu­sa and Cur­cu­ma, not only helps main­tain stable blood sugar levels, but is also an incom­pa­rable source of antioxi­dants, anti-inflam­ma­to­ries and energy.

Plea­sant­ly scen­ted with lemon­grass and lemon zest, it is eaten in the mor­ning and at lunch­time. The antioxi­dants in morin­ga will pro­tect you from the oxi­da­tive stress res­pon­sible for cell ageing; the slow-release caf­feine in guayu­sa will boost your ener­gy and concen­tra­tion; and the anti-inflam­ma­to­ry pro­per­ties of tur­me­ric will pro­tect your body.

● Other tips for maintaining stable blood sugar levels as you age

Blood cir­cu­la­tion can be impro­ved by a nutrient-rich diet and regu­lar exer­cise. In addi­tion to adding morin­ga to your eating rou­tine, here are some other tips for kee­ping blood sugar levels stable:

1. Eat a balanced diet:

Eat a diet rich in vege­tables, fiber and lean protein.

Avoid added sugars, pro­ces­sed foods and satu­ra­ted fats.

2. Regular exercise :

Regu­lar phy­si­cal acti­vi­ty is a modi­fiable risk fac­tor that can help control hyper­ten­sion and blood glu­cose. It is essen­tial for main­tai­ning stable blood sugar levels. 

Exer­cise helps improve insu­lin sen­si­ti­vi­ty and main­tain a heal­thy body weight. Try to com­bine wal­king or sports, stret­ching and strength trai­ning exer­cises for opti­mum results.

3. Watch your weight:

Main­tai­ning a heal­thy body weight can help reduce the risks asso­cia­ted with blood sugar levels. Excess adi­pose tis­sue can contri­bute to health pro­blems such as insu­lin resistance.

Consult a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal to deter­mine your ideal weight and esta­blish a plan to reach it. Weight loss is often recom­men­ded as part of the long-term mana­ge­ment of diabetes.

4. Control your stress:

Stress can influence blood sugar levels.

Prac­tice medi­ta­tion, yoga, mind­ful brea­thing or other stress mana­ge­ment tech­niques to reduce stress levels in your life.

5. Monitor your blood sugar levels regularly:

People with dia­betes should regu­lar­ly check their gly­ca­ted hemo­glo­bin levels. If you are at risk for blood glu­cose pro­blems, consult a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal to set up a plan for regu­lar blood glu­cose moni­to­ring. This will enable you to detect any pro­blems at an ear­ly stage.

6. Consult a healthcare professional:

If you have any concerns about your blood glu­cose levels, consult a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal. They can help you draw up a mana­ge­ment plan tai­lo­red to your needs.

● Conclusion

Main­tai­ning stable blood sugar levels as we age is essen­tial for pre­ser­ving health and pre­ven­ting the deve­lop­ment of dia­betes-rela­ted ill­nesses. Long-term mana­ge­ment of your blood glu­cose levels can prevent many health pro­blems asso­cia­ted with aging.

Morin­ga, a plant with impres­sive pro­per­ties, is reco­gni­zed by the Euro­pean Health Autho­ri­ties for its abi­li­ty to help sta­bi­lize blood sugar levels.

By incor­po­ra­ting morin­ga into your diet, in addi­tion to fol­lo­wing a heal­thy life­style, you can take posi­tive steps to stay fit and heal­thy throu­ghout your life.

Don’t for­get to consult a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal for per­so­na­li­zed advice on mana­ging your blood glu­cose levels. Science conti­nues to reveal the many health bene­fits of morin­ga, and it’s exci­ting to see how this plant can contri­bute to our well-being as we age.

● References

  1. Effects of Morin­ga on redu­cing glu­cose levels : Effects of Morin­ga olei­fe­ra on Gly­cae­mia and Insu­lin Levels: A Review of Ani­mal and Human Stu­dies — PMC — NCBI
  2. Impor­tance of iso­thio­cya­nates in gly­ce­mic control: Poten­tial of Morin­ga olei­fe­ra to Improve Glu­cose Control for the Pre­ven­tion of Dia­betes and Rela­ted Meta­bo­lic Alte­ra­tions: A Sys­te­ma­tic Review of Ani­mal and Human Stu­dies — PMC
  3. Bene­fi­cial effects of Morin­ga olei­fe­ra on impro­ving blood glu­cose levels: A Review on the Anti­dia­be­tic Pro­per­ties of Morin­ga olei­fe­ra Extracts: Focu­sing on Oxi­da­tive Stress and Inflam­ma­tion as Main The­ra­peu­tic Tar­gets — Frontiers

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