Menopause in Eastern Countries: A Positive Look at a New Chapter in Women’s Lives

Meno­pause is a natu­ral stage in eve­ry woman’s life, a time of tran­si­tion that gene­ral­ly occurs bet­ween her late for­ties and ear­ly fif­ties. Howe­ver, the way she is per­cei­ved varies consi­de­ra­bly from one culture to ano­ther. In Wes­tern coun­tries, women are often…

Superfoods : Guayusa and Moringa, natural boosters for your brain and your health

Super­foods have taken the world of nutri­tion by storm, offe­ring excep­tio­nal health bene­fits. Two of these natu­ral gems, Guayu­sa and Morin­ga, deserve spe­cial atten­tion for their unique pro­per­ties. Guayu­sa, native to the Ama­zon rain­fo­rest, and Morin­ga, nick­na­med “the…

Moringa: the miracle tree that’s revolutionizing health

For meno­pau­sal women, seniors, ath­letes, bur­nouts, over­weight people, dia­be­tics and vegans, Morin­ga offers a mul­ti­tude of health bene­fits. It comes from a tree of tro­pi­cal ori­gin and is often des­cri­bed as a “super­food”. This die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment is gai­ning in popularity…

Aging well : Plants, health signals and dietary supplements for a radiant life after 50

Life after 50 is a new adven­ture in its own right, full of pos­si­bi­li­ties and oppor­tu­ni­ties for las­ting well-being. Your diet is your most pre­cious asset for making the most of this stage of life, and that’s where herbs and die­ta­ry sup­ple­ments come in. In this article,…

Moringa, Guayusa and Curcuma: Herbal Tea Treasures for Health and Wellness

Medi­ci­nal plants and super­foods have played a cru­cial role in the health and well-being of man­kind for mil­len­nia. Among these trea­sures of nature, morin­ga, guayu­sa and tur­me­ric stand out for their fas­ci­na­ting geo­gra­phi­cal ori­gins, their rich his­to­ry and traditions,…

Vitamin A in Moringa: A nutritional treasure trove

Vita­min A is one of the vita­mins essen­tial to our health, but it is some­times unde­res­ti­ma­ted com­pa­red to other nutrients. Howe­ver, its func­tions in the body are cru­cial. In this article, we’ll explore vita­min A in detail, high­ligh­ting its bene­fits, die­ta­ry sources and…

Strengthen your immune system: Preparing body and mind

“The best defense is a good offense. This old maxim takes on its full mea­ning when we talk about our pre­cious immune defenses. Our immune defenses are our shield against infec­tion and disease, and to keep it wor­king at its best, it’s cru­cial to pre­pare both your body…

Preventing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: The key to bone health with Vitamin K1 and Vitamin D

Osteo­po­ro­sis is a major concern for many women as they approach meno­pause. This silent disease affects bone health, making bones brit­tle and prone to frac­ture. For­tu­na­te­ly, there are effec­tive ways to prevent osteo­po­ro­sis, and two essen­tial nutrients stand out in this…

Moringa: a plant nugget for vegans and flexitarians

Whe­ther you’re a com­mit­ted vegan or a flexi­ta­rian loo­king for new sources of nutrients, Morin­ga is a plant-based nug­get that deserves your full atten­tion. This mira­cu­lous plant offers an abun­dance of health bene­fits, espe­cial­ly for those fol­lo­wing a plant-based diet.…

How to lose weight by eating healthy : The benefits of Moringa & Acerola powder MoringaBoost

Losing weight in a heal­thy and sus­tai­nable way is a com­mon goal for many people. There are many ways to achieve this goal, but one of the most effec­tive and bene­fi­cial to health is … to eat well. Let’s explore dif­ferent approaches to losing weight while adop­ting a…

Moringa+Boost Blog

The benefits of Moringa and Acerola: Two superfoods to discover

The benefits of Moringa and Acerola: Two superfoods to discover

In a world in per­pe­tual search of well-being and health, super­foods have gai­ned a place of choice in our diets and conver­sa­tions. Among these super­foods, morin­ga and ace­ro­la stand out for their excep­tio­nal nutri­tio­nal pro­per­ties. In this article, we take a dee­per dive…

Moringa benefits for seniors

Moringa benefits for seniors

Morin­ga Olei­fe­ra L. offers a range of spe­ci­fic bene­fits for seniors, pro­vi­ding valuable sup­port for their ove­rall health and qua­li­ty of life. This plant with its unique nutri­tio­nal and medi­ci­nal pro­per­ties can be an essen­tial ally in mee­ting the spe­ci­fic needs of the…