Moringa benefits for seniors

7 Sep 2023 | Health and Moringa, Seniors

Morin­ga Olei­fe­ra L. offers a range of spe­ci­fic bene­fits for seniors, pro­vi­ding valuable sup­port for their ove­rall health and qua­li­ty of life. This plant with its unique nutri­tio­nal and medi­ci­nal pro­per­ties can be an essen­tial ally in mee­ting the spe­ci­fic needs of the elder­ly. Here are some of the bene­fits of Morin­ga for seniors.

● Benefits

Moringa’s bene­fits are par­ti­cu­lar­ly well-sui­ted to the needs of seniors, offe­ring com­pre­hen­sive sup­port for their well-being.

1. Complete Nutrient Source :

The ove­rall health of senior citi­zens can be great­ly impro­ved thanks to the com­plete nutri­tion pro­vi­ded by moringa.

For seniors, a balan­ced diet is essen­tial for main­tai­ning health and vita­li­ty. Morin­ga is a veri­table mine of nutrients, contai­ning a wide varie­ty of vita­mins (A, C, E, K, B‑complex), mine­rals (cal­cium, magne­sium, iron, potas­sium) and essen­tial ami­no acids. 

This makes it an excellent die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment to make up for any nutri­tio­nal defi­cien­cies that may arise with age.

2. Supporting Cardiovascular Health :

Car­dio­vas­cu­lar health is a major issue after the age of 60, and morin­ga can help reduce some of the asso­cia­ted risk factors.

Seniors are more prone to car­dio­vas­cu­lar pro­blems. Morin­ga can help main­tain a heal­thy heart thanks to its anti-inflam­ma­to­ry and antioxi­dant pro­per­ties, as well as its poten­tial abi­li­ty to regu­late cho­les­te­rol and blood pressure.

3. Strengthening the immune system :

The immune sys­tem of senior citi­zens, often wea­ke­ned by chro­nic ill­ness, can be boos­ted by moringa’s immu­no­sti­mu­lant properties.

With age, the immune sys­tem can become less effec­tive. Moringa’s immune-boos­ting pro­per­ties, par­ti­cu­lar­ly its vita­min A and antioxi­dant content, can help streng­then the body’s natu­ral defenses against infec­tion and disease.

4. Joint and bone health :

To main­tain opti­mal joint and bone health, regu­lar phy­si­cal acti­vi­ty com­bi­ned with morin­ga consump­tion can be beneficial.

Morin­ga contains anti-inflam­ma­to­ry com­pounds that can help relieve joint pain and dis­com­fort asso­cia­ted with arthri­tis. Its essen­tial nutrients, such as cal­cium, magne­sium and vita­min K, also sup­port bone health, hel­ping to prevent bone fra­gi­li­ty and frac­ture risk.

5. Improved digestion :

Diges­tive pro­blems can become more frequent with age. Morin­ga, with its anti-inflam­ma­to­ry and anti­mi­cro­bial pro­per­ties, can pro­mote bet­ter diges­tion by soo­thing inflam­ma­tion of the diges­tive sys­tem and sup­por­ting heal­thy intes­ti­nal flora.

6. Cognitive support :

Pre­ser­ving cog­ni­tive health is a major concern for senior citi­zens. The antioxi­dants present in Morin­ga may help pro­tect the brain against oxi­da­tive stress, poten­tial­ly bene­fi­cial for long-term cog­ni­tive health.

7. Visual Function Support :

With age, eye health can dete­rio­rate. Morin­ga, rich in vita­min A and antioxi­dants such as lutein and zeaxan­thin, can be bene­fi­cial for eye health, hel­ping to prevent age-rela­ted diseases such as macu­lar degeneration.

8. Energy and Vitality :

Morin­ga can help com­bat fatigue and increase ener­gy, which can be par­ti­cu­lar­ly bene­fi­cial for seniors who some­times feel a lack of vitality.

● Where can I find moringa?

Taking these key points for the health of seniors as the basis for the deve­lop­ment of its range, Morin­ga­Boost has deve­lo­ped SENIORS gel sticks, with a mild, plea­sant taste, to be taken in the mor­ning at break­fast, on their own or with yog­hurt. Made with morin­ga and ace­ro­la, they contain the nutrients the body needs to stay in shape: Vita­mins A, B1 (Thia­mine), C, E, Magne­sium and Calcium.

Morin­ga­Boost offers food sup­ple­ments for seniors, spe­cial­ly for­mu­la­ted to meet their nutri­tio­nal needs. Morin­ga­Boost VITALITY Infu­sion is an excellent option for seniors loo­king to boost their ener­gy and vitality.

● MoringaBoost VITALITY infusion

Made with Morin­ga, Guayu­sa and Cur­cu­ma, it’s an incom­pa­rable source of antioxi­dants, anti-inflam­ma­to­ries and ener­gy. Plea­sant­ly scen­ted with lemon­grass and lemon zest, it is eaten in the mor­ning and at lunchtime. 

The antioxi­dants in morin­ga will pro­tect you from the oxi­da­tive stress res­pon­sible for cell ageing; the slow-release caf­feine in guayu­sa will boost your ener­gy and concen­tra­tion; and the anti-inflam­ma­to­ry pro­per­ties of tur­me­ric will pro­tect your body.

● Conclusion

In the long term, morin­ga can help com­bat oxi­da­tive stress, a key fac­tor in aging. Morin­ga leaves are par­ti­cu­lar­ly effec­tive in com­ba­ting age-rela­ted health pro­blems, such as loss of autonomy.

Morin­ga Olei­fe­ra L. offers many bene­fits for seniors, sup­por­ting their ove­rall health and phy­si­cal and emo­tio­nal well-being. Howe­ver, it is always advi­sable to consult a health pro­fes­sio­nal before intro­du­cing any new die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment, espe­cial­ly if the per­son is alrea­dy taking medi­ca­tion or has spe­ci­fic health conditions.

By com­bi­ning a balan­ced diet with a res­pon­sible approach to die­ta­ry sup­ple­ments, seniors can reap the many bene­fits of this mira­cu­lous plant.

● References

  1. cog­ni­tive sup­port: Morin­ga olei­fe­ra Miti­gates Memo­ry Impair­ment and Neu­ro­de­ge­ne­ra­tion in Ani­mal Model of Age-Rela­ted Demen­tia — PMC — NCBI
  2. Car­dio­vas­cu­lar Health: The Effect of Giving Morin­ga Leaves Extract on the Reduc­tion of Blood Pres­sure in Elder­ly Hyper­ten­sion Patients in Ngran­dah Vil­lage, Toroh Dis­trict, Gro­bo­gan Regen­cy | Atlan­tis Press
  3. Seniors’ immune sys­tems: Morin­ga olei­fe­ra is a Pro­minent Source of Nutrients with Poten­tial Health Bene­fits — PMC

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