Health range

Sports­men and women, senior citi­zens, women going through meno­pause, people suf­fe­ring from bur­nout, as well as anyone who wants to adopt a heal­thy life­style or boost their immune sys­tem, eve­ryone will find in our range the Moringa+Boost pro­duct that suits their needs.


Moringa+Boost Menopause Gel Sticks


Moringa+Boost Seniors Gel Sticks

Moringa+Boost Immune Defense Capsules

Moringa+Boost Immune Defense Capsules

Jar of pure Moringa Oleifera leaf powder + Acerola Moringa+Boost PREMIUM

Jar of pure Moringa oleifera leaf powder + Acerola Moringa+Boost PREMIUM

Infusion VITALITY Moringa / Guayusa / Curcum

Infusion VITALITY Moringa / Guayusa / Curcuma

moringa boost logo

Moringa+Boost Menopause Gel Sticks

Die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment with Morin­ga, Ace­ro­la, Ange­li­ca and Lemon balm. Contains magne­sium, cal­cium, iron and vita­mins B6, B12, C, D and K1


  • 12 ml (0.42 fl.oz) food-gel sticks, box of 20 units


  • 25,50 €

For whom?

Moringa+Boost Meno­pause gel sticks have been desi­gned to sup­port women during the tran­si­tio­nal per­iod of meno­pause and in their new post-meno­pau­sal lives, by pro­vi­ding the vita­mins and mine­rals their bodies need.

When should you use them?

From the first symp­toms of menopause.
To prevent osteo­po­ro­sis, vas­cu­lar disor­ders, skin aging and reduce fatigue, it’s impor­tant to boost your defenses with a die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned for women in the meno­pause and post-meno­pause phases.
The Vita­mins B6, B12, C, D and K1, as well as Magne­sium, Iron and Cal­cium found in Moringa+Boost Meno­pause gel sticks are the ele­ments a woman’s body needs during this new phase of life.
Taking Moringa+Boost Meno­pause dai­ly in gel stick form is an excellent way to prevent the phy­si­cal and emo­tio­nal side effects cau­sed by this hor­mo­nal change.


Water, Swee­te­ner : Sor­bi­tol, Magne­sium pido­late, Apple juice, Cal­cium citrate, Elder­ber­ry juice, Pear juice, Morin­ga leaf pow­der (Morin­ga olei­fe­ra L.), Thi­cke­ner: Xan­than gum, Dried ace­ro­la fruit extract (Mal­pi­ghia gla­bra) titra­ted to 50% vita­min C, Dried ange­li­ca root extract (Ange­li­ca sinen­sis), Dried lemon balm leaf extract (Melis­sa oci­na­lis L.) titra­ted to 4% hydroxy­cin­na­mic deri­va­tives expres­sed as ros­ma­ri­nic acid, Iron pyro­phos­phate, Pre­ser­va­tive: Sodium ben­zoate, Pre­ser­va­tive: Potas­sium sor­bate, Aci­di­fier : citric acid, Fla­vours, Swee­te­ner: ste­viol gly­co­sides from ste­via, Phy­to­me­na­dione (Vita­min K1), Cya­no­co­ba­la­min (Vita­min B12), Cho­le­cal­ci­fe­rol (Vita­min D3), Pyri­doxine hydro­chlo­ride (Vita­min B6).


One stick a day, to be taken at break­fast, on its own or with yoghurt.

Do not take on an emp­ty stomach.



  • Magne­sium and cal­cium contri­bute to pro­per muscle func­tion and are neces­sa­ry for bone maintenance.
  • Magne­sium helps reduce fatigue and main­tain a heal­thy elec­tro­lyte balance.
  • Iron contri­butes to the pro­per func­tio­ning of the immune sys­tem and reduces fatigue.
  • Vita­min B6 pro­motes red blood cell rene­wal and neu­ro­trans­mit­ter pro­duc­tion. It contri­butes to hor­mo­nal balance.
  • Vita­min B12 contri­butes to the balance of the ner­vous sys­tem and the syn­the­sis of neu­ro­trans­mit­ters, DNA and ener­gy production.
  • Vita­min C contri­butes to col­la­gen for­ma­tion, neces­sa­ry for tis­sue rene­wal and skin elas­ti­ci­ty, as well as streng­the­ning car­ti­lage and gums.
  • Vita­mins C and B12 also contri­bute to a heal­thy immune sys­tem, emo­tio­nal balance and redu­ced fatigue.
  • Vita­min D helps defend the immune system.
  • Vita­min K1 pre­vents osteo­po­ro­sis and vas­cu­lar disorders.

What is Acerola?

A remar­kable source of Vita­min C, Ace­ro­la has a sup­por­ting and repai­ring func­tion. It also contains Vita­min E, Phos­pho­rus, Thia­mine, Ribo­fla­vin, Pyri­doxine as well as Fla­vo­noids, Antho­cya­nins and Caro­te­noids, which give it antioxi­dant pro­per­ties and sti­mu­late col­la­gen production.

What is Lemon balm?

Lemon balm has an antioxi­dant effect and pro­motes intes­ti­nal tran­sit and gas eli­mi­na­tion. It also contri­butes to relaxa­tion and emo­tio­nal well-being.

What is Angelica?

Ange­li­ca coun­te­racts meno­pau­sal disor­ders, sti­mu­lates diges­tive func­tion and contri­butes to heal­thy blood circulation.

Nutritional information

1 stick per day pro­vides (RDA) :

  • 100% Vita­min B6
  • 100% Vita­min B12
  • 100% Vita­min D
  • 35% Magne­sium
  • 30% Vita­min C
  • 30% Iron
  • 30% Vita­mins K1
  • 15% Cal­cium


  • Store in a cool, dry place
  • Keep out of reach of young children
  • Do not use if pregnant
  • Do not admi­nis­ter to chil­dren under 18 years of age
  • Seek advice from a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal if breast-feeding
  • A die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment can­not replace a varied and balan­ced diet or a heal­thy lifestyle.
  • Do not exceed the recom­men­ded dai­ly dose
  • Exces­sive consump­tion can have laxa­tive effects

Not suitable for pregnant women

prohibited 18ans

Do not administer to children under 18 years of age

Moringa+Boost Seniors Gel Sticks

Morin­ga and Ace­ro­la-based die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment. Contains magne­sium, cal­cium and vita­mins A, B1, C and E.

Moringa+Boost Seniors Gel Sticks


  • 12 ml (0.42 fl.oz) food-gel sticks, box of 20 units


  • 24,50 €

For whom?

Moringa+Boost Seniors gel sticks have been desi­gned to help pro­tect the body from pre­ma­ture aging and streng­then the immune system.

When should you use them?

Taking Moringa+Boost Seniors in gel stick form eve­ry day is an excellent way to prevent the side effects of cell aging, reduce the risk of cata­racts and boost the body’s ener­gy pro­duc­tion, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the brain and muscles.


Water, Swee­te­ner : Sor­bi­tol, Magne­sium pido­late, Cal­cium citrate, Apple juice, Car­rot juice, Morin­ga leaf pow­der (Morin­ga olei­fe­ra), Dried extract of Ace­ro­la fruit (Mal­pi­ghia gla­bra) titra­ted to 50% vita­min C, Thi­cke­ner: Xan­than gum, Aci­di­fier : Citric acid, Fla­vours, Pre­ser­va­tives: Sodium ben­zoate, Potas­sium sor­bate, DL-alpha-toco­phe­ryl ace­tate (Vita­min E), Reti­nyl pal­mi­tate (Vita­min A), Swee­te­ner: Ste­viol gly­co­sides from ste­via, Thia­mine hydro­chlo­ride (Vita­min B1).


One stick a day, to be taken at break­fast, on its own or with yoghurt.

Do not take on an emp­ty stomach.



  • Magne­sium contri­butes to muscle relaxa­tion and elec­tro­lyte balance. By relaxing smooth muscles, dila­ting ves­sels and nor­ma­li­zing nerve conduc­tion, magne­sium can play a role in relie­ving pain.
  • Cal­cium helps build strong bones and teeth, and fights osteo­po­ro­sis. It also plays an essen­tial role in blood clot­ting, main­tai­ning blood pres­sure and contrac­ting muscles, inclu­ding the heart.
  • Vita­min A helps main­tain vision. A suf­fi­cient intake of vita­min A reduces the risk of cata­racts and macu­lar degeneration.
  • Thia­mine (vita­min B1) is neces­sa­ry for car­bo­hy­drate meta­bo­lism and contri­butes to the pro­per func­tio­ning of the ner­vous sys­tem, brain and heart.
  • Vita­min C contri­butes to col­la­gen for­ma­tion, neces­sa­ry for tis­sue rene­wal and skin elas­ti­ci­ty, as well as streng­the­ning car­ti­lage and gums.
  • Vita­min E helps pro­tect cells against oxi­da­tive stress, res­pon­sible for cell aging. It pre­vents car­dio­vas­cu­lar disease, macu­lar dege­ne­ra­tion, cata­racts and dia­betes. It is neces­sa­ry for the pro­per func­tio­ning of the ner­vous sys­tem and muscle tissue.

What is Acerola?

A remar­kable source of Vita­min C, Ace­ro­la has a sup­por­ting and repai­ring func­tion. It also contains Vita­min E, Phos­pho­rus, Thia­mine, Ribo­fla­vin, Pyri­doxine as well as Fla­vo­noids, Antho­cya­nins and Caro­te­noids, which give it antioxi­dant pro­per­ties and sti­mu­late col­la­gen production.

Nutritional information

1 stick per day pro­vides (RDA) :

  • 100% Vita­min A
  • 100% Vita­min B1
  • 50% Vita­min C
  • 50% Vita­min E
  • 35% Magne­sium
  • 15% Cal­cium


  • Store in a cool, dry place
  • Keep out of reach of young children
  • Do not use if pregnant
  • Do not admi­nis­ter to chil­dren under 18 years of age
  • Seek advice from a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal if breast-feeding
  • A die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment can­not replace a varied and balan­ced diet or a heal­thy lifestyle.
  • Do not exceed the recom­men­ded dai­ly dose
  • Exces­sive consump­tion can have laxa­tive effects

Not suitable for pregnant women

prohibited 18ans

Do not administer to children under 18 years of age

Moringa+Boost Immune Defense Capsules

Die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment with Morin­ga, Magne­sium, Zinc and Vita­min D. 60-day pro­gram

Moringa+Boost Immune Defense Capsules


  • Conte­nu : 120 gélules 747,84 mg (0.026 oz.) en pot hermétique
  • Poids net total : 89,5 g (3.16 oz.)


  • 22,50 €

For whom?

To boost your immune sys­tem and pro­tect your body, we recom­mend that you fol­low the IMMUNE SYSTEM Moringa+Boost pro­gram for 60 conse­cu­tive days, with the excep­tion of pre­gnant women and children.

When should you use them?

Main­ly in autumn and ear­ly win­ter, to pre­pare and pro­tect the body against viral and sea­so­nal aggres­sions.
All year round, when fee­ling weak, to bene­fit from Morin­ga’s per­ma­nent sup­ply of Magne­sium, Zinc and Vita­min D.


2 cap­sules per day at breakfast. 

60-day pro­gram.

Do not take on an emp­ty stomach.



  • Morin­ga contains 48 antioxi­dants and 20 ami­no acids, inclu­ding 8 essen­tial ones, such as Leu­cine, Iso­leu­cine, Lysine, Valine, Methio­nine, Threo­nine, Phe­ny­la­la­nine and Tryp­to­phan, as well as high concen­tra­tions of Magne­sium, Cal­cium, Iron, Potas­sium and Vita­mins A and E.
  • Vita­min D is lacking in many people. Yet it is essen­tial for boos­ting the immune sys­tem, espe­cial­ly in autumn and win­ter. Vita­min D defi­cien­cy increases the risk of viral infection.
  • Zinc is invol­ved in RNA syn­the­sis, as well as streng­the­ning the immune sys­tem by increa­sing the syn­the­sis of T lym­pho­cytes (res­pon­sible for cel­lu­lar immu­ni­ty). It is a power­ful antioxi­dant that regu­lates Vita­min A.
    It is also used to treat taste and smell disorders.
  • Magne­sium helps to reduce fatigue, relax muscles and main­tain elec­tro­lyte balance. In par­ti­cu­lar, magne­sium can play a role in relie­ving the aches and pains that gene­ral­ly set in during autumn and win­ter.
    It plays an essen­tial role in regu­la­ting heart rhythm.

    Product description


      • Store in a cool, dry place
      • Keep out of reach of young children
      • Do not use if pregnant
      • Do not admi­nis­ter to chil­dren under 18 years of age
      • Seek advice from a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal if breast-feeding
      • Die­ta­ry sup­ple­ments can­not replace a varied and balan­ced diet
        or a heal­thy lifestyle
      • Do not exceed the recom­men­ded dai­ly dose

      Not suitable for pregnant women

      prohibited 18ans

      Do not administer to children under 18 years of age

      Jar of pure Moringa oleifera leaf powder + Acerola Moringa+Boost PREMIUM

      Source of ener­gy and well-being.

      Vegan pro­teins.


      Jar of pure Moringa oleifera leaf powder + Acerola Moringa+Boost PREMIUM


      • 150 g air­tight jar 5.29 oz.


      • 19,50 €

      For whom?

      • Sport
      • Nur­sing mothers
      • Type 1 and 2 diabetics
      • Over­weight people
      • Bur­nout sufferers
      • Vegan
      • Orga­nic cooks, bakers and pas­try chefs

      When should it be used?

      All year round, to bene­fit from the per­ma­nent contri­bu­tion of Morin­ga and Vita­min C to the body.
      Morin­ga goes very well with a varie­ty of sweet and savo­ry foods.
      In case of high blood pres­sure or high cho­les­te­rol.
      For breast-fee­ding women, after child­birth, as soon as the first milk comes in.
      For ath­letes who want to add vege­table pro­teins to their diet.
      As an adjunct to a sui­table diet for over­weight people, to pro­vide essen­tial nutrients.
      Cau­tion: Do not use if you are pre­gnant or think you may be.


      Dilute 2 teas­poons (4 g) of pure Morin­ga olei­fe­ra Moringa+Boost PREMIUM leaf pow­der in a smoo­thie, fruit juice or yog­hurt.
      In cooking, add at the end of cooking or sprinkle over food just before ser­ving.
      For baking, mix 10 grams of morin­ga with 150 grams of flour.
      For a sur­pri­sin­gly ori­gi­nal pes­to, replace the basil with morin­ga leaf powder.



      • The pro­teins, vita­mins, magne­sium, potas­sium, iron, cal­cium, trace ele­ments and ami­no acids natu­ral­ly present in morin­ga help boost natu­ral defenses.
      • Morin­ga’s high vege­table pro­tein content makes it an ideal die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment, as it is easi­ly digestible.
      • Consu­ming morin­ga also helps to reduce meat consump­tion, while main­tai­ning the pro­tein intake essen­tial to the body.
      • The fiber contai­ned in morin­ga faci­li­tates intes­ti­nal transit.
      • Morin­ga helps regu­late blood cho­les­te­rol and can help lower blood pressure.
      • It is also a power­ful anti-inflam­ma­to­ry and antioxidant.
      • A remar­kable source of Vita­min C, ace­ro­la has a sup­por­ting and repai­ring function.
      • It also contains Vita­min E, Phos­pho­rus, Thia­mine, Ribo­fla­vin, Pyri­doxine as well as Fla­vo­noids, Antho­cya­nins and Caro­te­noids, which give it antioxi­dant pro­per­ties and sti­mu­late col­la­gen production.

        Product description

        Pure pow­der of selec­ted Morin­ga Olei­fe­ra leaves, hand-har­ves­ted and natu­ral­ly dried as soon as har­ves­ted to main­tain all their pro­per­ties, enri­ched with pure Ace­ro­la fruit powder.

          Nutritional information


            • Store in a cool, dry place
            • To be taken as part of a varied, balan­ced diet
            • Do not use if pregnant
            • Do not admi­nis­ter to chil­dren under 18 years of age

            Not suitable for pregnant women

            prohibited 18ans

            Do not administer to children under 18 years of age

            Infusion VITALITY Moringa / Guayusa / Curcuma

            Vita­li­zing her­bal tea with Guayu­sa, Morin­ga, Lemon­grass, Lemon oil, Tur­me­ric, Lemon zest and Stevia.

            Orga­ni­cal­ly grown.

            Infusion VITALITY Moringa / Guayusa / Curcum


            • Doy­pack 100 g. (3.53 oz.)


            • 12,50 €

            For whom?

            For anyone loo­king for a heal­thy life­style with the antioxi­dant bene­fits of morin­ga and the sti­mu­la­ting effects of slow-release caf­feine pro­vi­ded by guayusa.

            When should it be used?

            Heal­thy living: Infuse two teas­poons of Moringa+Boost VITALITY in 250 ml of water at 80 degrees for 6 minutes. We recom­mend you take one cup in the mor­ning and one in the ear­ly after­noon to give you the ener­gy you need throu­ghout the day.

            Sports acti­vi­ty: Infuse four teas­poons of Moringa+Boost VITALITY in 500 ml of water at 80 degrees for 6 minutes and allow to cool, then place in the fridge. Pour the infu­sion into a flask and take it with you on hikes or to the gym.


            To be taken in the mor­ning or ear­ly after­noon, its fresh, invi­go­ra­ting fla­vor will fill you with ener­gy and vita­li­ty!
            Serve hot or iced.
            Pre­pa­ra­tion: Equi­va­lent to 2 teas­poons per mug (250 ml).
            Infuse for 6 minutes at 80° C



            • Morin­ga: Used since the dawn of time in Ayur­ve­dic medi­cine, rich in pro­tein, potas­sium, vita­min A and antioxi­dants, morin­ga also contains 20 ami­no acids, inclu­ding the 8 essen­tial ones, such as Leu­cine, essen­tial for muscle rebuilding.
            • Guayu­sa: Rich in caf­feine, ami­no acids, vita­mins and antioxi­dants, guayu­sa helps improve concen­tra­tion and boost ener­gy. Guayu­sa contains theo­bro­mine, which helps reduce fatigue and sti­mu­late adre­na­lin, and L‑theanine, which increases sero­to­nin and dopa­mine production.
            • Tur­me­ric: To these pre­cious ingre­dients, we’ve added tur­me­ric, which contains power­ful antioxi­dants and offers extra­or­di­na­ry anti-inflam­ma­to­ry properties.

              Product description

              Ingre­dients : Guayu­sa, Morin­ga, Lemon­grass, Lemon oil, Tur­me­ric, Lemon zest, Stevia.


                • Store in a cool, dry place.
                • Seek the advice of a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal if you are breast-feeding.
                • Exces­sive consump­tion can have laxa­tive effects
                • Due to its high Vita­min A content, do not take morin­ga if you are pre­gnant or think you might be.
                • Due to the pre­sence of tur­me­ric, this pro­duct should not be consu­med by people suf­fe­ring from bilia­ry tract pathologies.

                Not suitable for pregnant women

                prohibited 18ans

                Do not administer to children under 18 years of age