Vitamin A in Moringa: A nutritional treasure trove

1 Nov 2023 | Health and Moringa, Immune system

Vita­min A is one of the vita­mins essen­tial to our health, but it is some­times unde­res­ti­ma­ted com­pa­red to other nutrients. Howe­ver, its func­tions in the body are crucial. 

In this article, we’ll explore vita­min A in detail, high­ligh­ting its bene­fits, die­ta­ry sources and the conse­quences of a defi­cien­cy. By unders­tan­ding the impor­tance of vita­min A, you can take steps to main­tain a balan­ced diet and ensure your well-being.

● Vitamin A: What is it?

Vita­min A is a fat-soluble vita­min, which means it is soluble in fats. It is essen­tial to many bodi­ly func­tions, inclu­ding vision, the immune sys­tem, cell growth, repro­duc­tion and the func­tio­ning of cer­tain organs, such as the heart, lungs and kidneys. 

What’s more, it’s a power­ful antioxi­dant that helps fight free radi­cals, uns­table mole­cules impli­ca­ted in aging and various diseases.

● Benefits of Vitamin A

Rich in vita­min A, morin­ga is reco­gni­zed for com­ba­ting mal­nu­tri­tion and boos­ting the body’s natu­ral defenses.

  • Vision: Vita­min A is essen­tial for vision, espe­cial­ly night vision. It is a key com­ponent of rho­dop­sin, a pig­ment present in the rod cells of the reti­na, which enables us to see in low-light conditions.
  • Immune sys­tem: Vita­min A plays an essen­tial role in streng­the­ning the immune sys­tem, hel­ping to pro­duce the white blood cells that fight infection.
  • Growth and Deve­lop­ment: Cru­cial for cell growth, making it par­ti­cu­lar­ly impor­tant for gro­wing children.
  • Organ func­tion: Vita­min A main­tains the pro­per func­tio­ning of organs such as the heart, lungs, kid­neys and liver.
  • Skin health: Pro­motes heal­thy skin by contri­bu­ting to cell regeneration.

The bene­fits of morin­ga, rich in nutrients, are sup­por­ted by scien­ti­fic stu­dies that confirm its posi­tive impact on health.

● Food sources of Vitamin A

Vita­min A is present in many foods, and there are two forms of vita­min A in the diet:

  • Pre­for­med vita­min A (reti­nol): found in ani­mal pro­ducts such as liver, eggs and dai­ry pro­ducts. Reti­nol can be used direct­ly by the body.
  • Pro­vi­ta­min A (caro­te­noids): Caro­te­noids are found in orange and yel­low fruits and vege­tables, such as car­rots, sweet pota­toes and man­goes, as well as in spi­nach and morin­ga, among others. The body converts these caro­te­noids into retinol.
Moringa leaf powder is a concentrate of nutrients, particularly rich in vitamin A,
Morin­ga leaf pow­der is a concen­trate of nutrients, par­ti­cu­lar­ly rich in vita­min A, 

● The consequences of vitamin A deficiency

Vita­min A defi­cien­cy can lead to a num­ber of health pro­blems. Com­mon symp­toms of vita­min A defi­cien­cy include:

  • Night blind­ness: Impai­red vision in low-light condi­tions, which can pro­gress to night blind­ness if the defi­cien­cy is left untreated.
  • Xeroph­thal­mia: A condi­tion cha­rac­te­ri­zed by dry, irri­ta­ted eyes.
  • Kera­to­ma­la­cia: A sof­te­ning of the eye’s cornea.
  • Wea­ke­ning of the immune sys­tem: increa­sed vul­ne­ra­bi­li­ty to infec­tions, espe­cial­ly in children.
  • Growth pro­blems: Chil­dren suf­fe­ring from vita­min A defi­cien­cy may expe­rience stun­ted growth.
  • Skin pro­blems: Dry, fla­ky skin, prone to infection.

● The Importance of Vitamin A for Global Health

Vita­min A defi­cien­cy is a major health pro­blem in many parts of the world, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in deve­lo­ping coun­tries where access to a balan­ced diet is limi­ted. Vita­min A sup­ple­men­ta­tion pro­grams have been set up to com­bat this defi­cien­cy, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in chil­dren, to reduce the risk of blind­ness and boost the immune system. 

Pres­ti­gious inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­za­tions such as the Inter­na­tio­nal Red Cross and Action contre la Faim encou­rage morin­ga plan­ta­tions to pro­vide popu­la­tions with the vita­min A and pro­tein they need to sur­vive. Morin­ga consump­tion, in pow­der form, is encou­ra­ged in regions where access to a rich and varied diet is limited.

● Tips for maintaining a sufficient intake of Vitamin A

Rich in pro­tein, morin­ga pow­der can com­ple­ment a vege­ta­rian or vegan diet, pro­vi­ding all the essen­tial ami­no acids. To main­tain a suf­fi­cient intake of Vita­min A and take advan­tage of its health bene­fits, here are a few tips:

  • Diver­si­fy Your Diet: Include a varie­ty of vita­min A‑rich foods, inclu­ding green lea­fy vege­tables, car­rots, sweet pota­toes, apri­cots, liver, eggs, and dai­ry products.
  • Eat Foods Rich in Caro­te­noids: Caro­te­noids are abun­dant in color­ful fruits and vege­tables. Incor­po­ra­ting these foods into your diet will pro­vide you with vita­min A in the form of pro­vi­ta­min A.
  • Consult a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal: If you feel you’re not get­ting enough vita­min A from your diet, talk to a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal about supplementation.

● Vitamin A in Moringa

Morin­ga leaf pow­der is a concen­trate of nutrients, nota­bly rich in vita­min A, essen­tial for eye health and the immune sys­tem. It contains a com­plete range of essen­tial ami­no acids, making it one of the most com­plete die­ta­ry sup­ple­ments avai­lable. Redu­ced to a pow­der, morin­ga retains its nutri­tio­nal pro­per­ties and becomes a valuable ally for easy consumption.

Morin­ga, also known as the “miracle tree”, is an excep­tio­nal­ly nutrient-rich plant. Its leaves, seeds and roots have been used for cen­tu­ries for their nutri­tio­nal and medi­ci­nal bene­fits. Morin­ga is a valuable source of vita­min A in the form of beta-carotene.

The beta-caro­tene contai­ned in morin­ga is a natu­ral pre­cur­sor of vita­min A. A ser­ving of dried morin­ga leaf pow­der can pro­vide an impres­sive amount of beta-caro­tene, offe­ring a consi­de­rable sup­ply of vita­min A. This high concen­tra­tion of beta-caro­tene makes morin­ga one of the best natu­ral sources of vita­min A available.

Morin­ga seeds, like the morin­ga leaf, are used for their high vita­min and mine­ral content.

● Vitamin A from Moringa vs. other sources

Morin­ga is dis­tin­gui­shed by its excep­tio­nal concen­tra­tion of vita­min A com­pa­red to many other food sources. Dried leaves contain 1,320 µg/100 g. . This makes it a par­ti­cu­lar­ly inter­es­ting option for people defi­cient in Vita­min A.

In com­pa­ri­son, car­rots, often consi­de­red an emble­ma­tic source of beta-caro­tene, also contain vita­min A, but in smal­ler quan­ti­ties than morin­ga. Morin­ga’s beta-caro­tene is more concen­tra­ted, which means you get more nutri­tio­nal bene­fits in a smal­ler portion.

● Incorporate Moringa into your diet

It’s rela­ti­ve­ly easy to incor­po­rate morin­ga into your diet to take advan­tage of its vita­min A and other nutrient bene­fits. Here are a few ideas:


Add 1–2 teas­poons of Morin­ga & Ace­ro­la Morin­ga­Boost PREMIUM pow­der to your smoo­thie for a nutri­tio­nal boost. You’ll add a slight­ly her­ba­ceous, spi­cy note to your smoo­thies and enjoy all the benefits.


Sprinkle Morin­ga & Ace­ro­la Morin­ga­Boost PREMIUM pow­der on your soups just before ser­ving to boost their nutrient content.

Pasta, salads and grilled vegetables: Moringa pesto.

Mix 1 teas­poon of Morin­ga & Ace­ro­la Morin­ga­Boost PREMIUM Pow­der with 2 tables­poons of extra-vir­gin olive oil, a hand­ful of toas­ted pine nuts, 1 tables­poon of gra­ted Par­me­san, salt and pep­per to taste. Blend and gent­ly pour over pas­ta, toma­to-moz­za­rel­la, mixed salads or pan-fried greens.

Teas and hot drinks

Why not start the day with a Morin­ga­Boost VITALITY infusion?

Based on Morin­ga, Guayu­sa and Cur­cu­ma, it has been crea­ted to pro­vide the antioxi­dants and ener­gy nee­ded to spend a com­for­table, dyna­mic day, streng­the­ning the immune sys­tem and hel­ping to lower blood sugar levels.

Rich in caf­feine, ami­no acids, vita­mins and antioxi­dants, Guayu­sa helps improve concen­tra­tion and boost energy.

What’s more, Tur­me­ric contains power­ful antioxi­dants and offers extra­or­di­na­ry anti-inflam­ma­to­ry properties.

Scen­ted with lemon­grass and lemon zest, and swee­te­ned with a light touch of Ste­via, a hot mug in the mor­ning and ano­ther in the ear­ly after­noon will give you the antioxi­dants and ener­gy you need for the whole day!

Tip: infuse 2 teas­poons of Morin­ga­Boost VITALITY infu­sion per 250 ml of water at 80° for 6 minutes.

In sum­mer, remem­ber to take it with you to enjoy fresh all day long. Morin­ga­Boost VITALITY infu­sion is a light, refre­shing drink that can be an excellent alter­na­tive to tea or coffee.

Energy mixes

Incor­po­rate Morin­ga­Boost PREMIUM Morin­ga & Ace­ro­la Pow­der into home­made ener­gy mixes with nuts, seeds and dried fruits for a heal­thy, revi­ta­li­zing snack that fills you up with plant pro­teins, antioxi­dants and Vita­mins A and C, among others.

● Conclusion

Vita­min A is an essen­tial nutrient for main­tai­ning good health, with impor­tant impacts on vision, the immune sys­tem and cel­lu­lar health. Morin­ga is an excep­tio­nal source of Vita­min A in the form of

beta-caro­tene, pro­vi­ding a power­ful natu­ral solu­tion for main­tai­ning an ade­quate intake of this essen­tial vita­min. By incor­po­ra­ting morin­ga into your diet, you can take advan­tage of its vita­min A bene­fits and boost your ove­rall health. It’s a valuable nutri­tio­nal option to explore to pro­mote your long-term well-being. So take care of your health and dis­co­ver the bene­fits of this essen­tial vita­min contai­ned in moringa.

● References

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