Amino acids: the building blocks of life and the nutritional treasures of Moringa

4 Oct 2023 | Health and Moringa, Immune system

You’ve pro­ba­bly heard of ami­no acids, but do you real­ly know what they are and how cru­cial they are to your health? They are the essen­tial buil­ding blocks of pro­teins, and without them, life as we know it would sim­ply not be possible.

In the com­plex world of nutri­tion, there are fun­da­men­tal ele­ments that are often over­loo­ked, but which play an essen­tial role in our health and well-being. Ami­no acids are among them. These orga­nic com­pounds are in fact the buil­ding blocks of pro­teins. In this article, we’ll explore in detail what they are, why they’re so cru­cial and how the ama­zing morin­ga plant pro­vides an excep­tio­nal source of ami­no acids, inclu­ding all eight essen­tial ones.

● Amino Acids : The Bases of Life

Ami­no acids are the basic buil­ding blocks of life. They are orga­nic com­pounds contai­ning car­bon, hydro­gen, oxy­gen and nitro­gen. There are around 20 dif­ferent ami­no acids that inter­act to form a mul­ti­tude of pro­teins, each with its own bio­lo­gi­cal function.

They can be divi­ded into two main categories:

  1. Essen­tial Ami­no Acids: These are those which the human body can­not pro­duce by itself, so must be obtai­ned through the diet. The eight essen­tial aci­doa­mines are leu­cine, iso­leu­cine, valine, methio­nine, phe­ny­la­la­nine, threo­nine, tryp­to­phan and lysine.
  2. Non-Essen­tial Ami­no Acids : The body can syn­the­size these sub­stances from other nutrients. As a result, they do not need to be taken direct­ly from the diet.
Moringa: an exceptional source of amino acids
Morin­ga: an excep­tio­nal source of ami­no acids

● Fundamental role of Amino Acids in the Body

Ami­no acids play a cru­cial role in the human body, par­ti­ci­pa­ting in many vital func­tions. Morin­ga is also rich in essen­tial nutrients that sup­port vital bodi­ly func­tions. Morin­ga’s essen­tial fat­ty acids play a cru­cial role in main­tai­ning car­dio­vas­cu­lar health.

Here are some of the most impor­tant contributions:

Protein construction

Ami­no acids are essen­tial for pro­tein for­ma­tion. Pro­teins, in turn, are the basic buil­ding blocks of all our body’s tis­sues and organs. They play an essen­tial role in growth, tis­sue repair and cell renewal.

Immune Support

Cer­tain ami­no acids, such as glu­ta­mine, play a key role in immune func­tion. They help fight infec­tion and streng­then the immune sys­tem. Consump­tion of Morin­ga, which is rich in ami­no acids, is bene­fi­cial to health, par­ti­cu­lar­ly for boos­ting the immune system.

Neurotransmitter synthesis

Neu­ro­trans­mit­ters, which regu­late com­mu­ni­ca­tion bet­ween nerve cells, depend on cer­tain ami­no acids, nota­bly sero­to­nin, dopa­mine and nora­dre­na­lin, for their syn­the­sis. This influences our mood, cog­ni­tion and behavior.

Nutrient Transport

This class of che­mi­cal com­pounds plays a key role in trans­por­ting essen­tial nutrients such as oxy­gen throu­ghout the body.

Maintaining Acid-Base Balance

Cer­tain ami­no acids, such as glu­ta­mine, help main­tain the body’s acid-base balance, contri­bu­ting to blood pH regulation.

Hormonal functions

Ami­no acids are also invol­ved in the syn­the­sis of cer­tain hor­mones, such as insu­lin and glu­ca­gon, which regu­late metabolism.

Tissue Repair

Ami­no acids are cru­cial for wound hea­ling, muscle repair after exer­cise and rege­ne­ra­tion of dama­ged cells.

● Dietary sources of Amino Acids

Now that we unders­tand just how impor­tant this class of che­mi­cal com­pounds is, it’s time to find out where to find them in our dai­ly diet. 

Here are some food sources rich in ami­no acids:

  • Meat and fish: Ani­mal sources such as meat, fish and eggs are pre­fe­rable. These foods are often consi­de­red com­plete pro­tein sources, as they pro­vide all the essen­tial ami­no acids.
  • Dai­ry pro­ducts: Milk, cheese and yogurt are excellent sources of ami­no acids, par­ti­cu­lar­ly casein and whey, two types of pro­tein found in dai­ry products.
  • Pulses: Beans, len­tils, chick­peas and peas are also good sources for vege­ta­rians and vegans. By com­bi­ning dif­ferent types of legumes with cereals, we can achieve a more com­plete ami­no acid profile.
  • Who­le­grain cereals: Whole grains such as qui­noa, oats and spelt also contain essen­tial ami­no acids. By inclu­ding them in your diet, you can increase your dai­ly intake.
  • Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, sun­flo­wer seeds and chia seeds, are good sources of ami­no acids, espe­cial­ly for people on a vegan diet.

Let’s take a look at how Morin­ga pro­vides a full range of vita­mins and minerals.

● Moringa: an exceptional source of amino acids

Morin­ga, also known as the “miracle tree” for its many health bene­fits. This super­food is par­ti­cu­lar­ly rich in vita­mins, contri­bu­ting to a balan­ced diet and ove­rall health. 

Each Morin­ga leaf contains an essen­tial nutrient to keep our bodies heal­thy. In addi­tion to ami­no acids, Morin­ga also contains essen­tial fat­ty acids bene­fi­cial for hor­mo­nal balance.

This super­food, native to India, is one of the few plant sources to contain all eight essen­tial ami­no acids.

This makes it an excep­tio­nal option for those see­king a com­plete source of ami­no acids in their diet, and indis­pen­sable for those who choose an exclu­si­ve­ly or pre­do­mi­nant­ly plant-based diet.

Of the eight essen­tial ami­no acids found in Morin­ga, here is an over­view of their role and importance:

  • Leu­cine: Leu­cine is cru­cial for muscle growth and blood sugar regulation.
  • Iso­leu­cine: This com­pound is essen­tial for hemo­glo­bin for­ma­tion and meta­bo­lism regulation.
  • Valine: Valine is impor­tant for muscle tis­sue repair and ener­gy production.
  • Methio­nine: An essen­tial pre­cur­sor for the syn­the­sis of cysteine, an ami­no acid that plays a key role in the body’s detoxi­fi­ca­tion process.
  • Phe­ny­la­la­nine: Phe­ny­la­la­nine is a fun­da­men­tal com­ponent of tyro­sine, which is neces­sa­ry for the pro­duc­tion of essen­tial neurotransmitters.
  • Threo­nine: This ami­no acid contri­butes to the for­ma­tion of col­la­gen, skin and nails.
  • Tryp­to­phan: Essen­tial for the syn­the­sis of sero­to­nin, a neu­ro­trans­mit­ter that regu­lates mood and sleep.
  • Lysine: Lysine is invol­ved in tis­sue growth and repair.

● Food Supplements

If you pre­fer sim­pli­ci­ty, opt for Morin­ga­Boost die­ta­ry sup­ple­ments. Morin­ga is often used as a die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment due to its high content of essen­tial ami­no acids.

MoringaBoost IMMUNE SYSTEM capsules

To boost your immune sys­tem and pro­tect your body, we recom­mend that you fol­low the IMMUNE SYSTEM Morin­ga­Boost pro­gram for 60 conse­cu­tive days, with the excep­tion of pre­gnant women and children.

When should you use them?

Main­ly in autumn and ear­ly win­ter, to pre­pare and pro­tect the body against viral and sea­so­nal aggressions.

All year round, when fee­ling weak, to bene­fit from Morin­ga’s per­ma­nent sup­ply of Magne­sium, Zinc and Vita­min D.

MoringaBoost Food Gel Sticks MENOPAUSE

Die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment with Morin­ga, Ace­ro­la, Ange­li­ca and Lemon balm.

Contains magne­sium, cal­cium, iron and vita­mins B6, B12, C, D and K1.

Morin­ga­Boost Meno­pause gel sticks have been desi­gned to sup­port women during the tran­si­tio­nal per­iod of meno­pause, and in their new post-meno­pau­sal lives, by pro­vi­ding essen­tial vita­mins and mine­rals to streng­then the body.

When should you use them?

From the first symp­toms of menopause.

To prevent osteo­po­ro­sis, vas­cu­lar disor­ders, skin aging and reduce fatigue, it’s impor­tant to streng­then your defenses with a die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned for women in meno­pause and post-menopause.

The Vita­mins B6, B12, C, D and K1, as well as Magne­sium, Iron and Cal­cium found in Morin­ga­Boost Meno­pause gel sticks are the ele­ments a woman’s body needs during this new phase of life.

MoringaBoost SENIORS Food Gel Sticks

Morin­ga and Ace­ro­la-based die­ta­ry supplement.

Contains magne­sium, cal­cium and vita­mins A, B1, C and E.

Morin­ga­Boost Seniors gel sticks have been desi­gned to help pro­tect the body from pre­ma­ture aging and streng­then the immune system.

When should you use them?

Taking Morin­ga­Boost Seniors in gel stick form eve­ry day is an excellent way to prevent the side effects of cell aging, reduce the risk of cata­racts and boost the body’s ener­gy pro­duc­tion, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the brain and muscles.

● Conclusion

Ami­no Acids, Pillars of Health

These sub­stances are the basic buil­ding blocks of life, essen­tial for growth, tis­sue repair and the pro­per func­tio­ning of the body. They are present in many of the foods we consume on a regu­lar basis, but Morin­ga stands out as an excep­tio­nal source of essen­tial ami­no acids.

By incor­po­ra­ting Morin­ga into your diet, you can enjoy its many health bene­fits, while ensu­ring that your body has all the essen­tial nutrients it needs to func­tion properly.

Don’t for­get that the key to opti­mal health lies in a balan­ced and varied diet, rich in essen­tial ami­no acids and other essen­tial nutrients.

So add Morin­ga to your diet today for radiant health and rene­wed vitality!

● References

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