Human Health

Our health is a unique asset that we must preserve

It is the­re­fore essen­tial to boost our immune sys­tem and for­ti­fy our orga­nism. Sports­men and women, senior citi­zens, women going through meno­pause, people suf­fe­ring from bur­nout, as well as anyone who wants to adopt a heal­thy life­style or boost their immune sys­tem, eve­ryone will find in our range the Moringa+Boost pro­duct that suits their needs

Moringa is the most nutrient-rich plant in the world.

A true immune sys­tem boos­ter, apt­ly named “The Tree of Life”, Morin­ga Olei­fe­ra ori­gi­nates from India and has been used for mil­len­nia in Ayur­ve­dic medicine.

Morin­ga Boost has concen­tra­ted its bene­fits and com­bi­ned them with other natu­ral ele­ments in a range of food sup­ple­ments that com­bine health, ener­gy and indulgence.

Thanks to its phytotherapeutic properties, Moringa leaf powder :


  • Streng­thens the immune sys­tem
  • Offers extra­or­di­na­ry anti-inflam­ma­to­ry properties
  • Is a power­ful antioxi­dant
  • Helps lower blood pres­sure
  • Helps regu­late blood glu­cose levels
  • Helps fill nutri­tio­nal deficiencies
  • Faci­li­tates intes­ti­nal transit
  • Helps reduce oxi­da­tive stress

Not suitable for pregnant women

moringa sport


moringa burn out

Burn Out

moringa menopause


moringa breastfeeding


moringa for the elderly


moringa vegan


moringa flexitarian


moringa early winter

Early winter


moringa sport

Morin­ga’s high pro­tein (26 g/100g) and potas­sium (2,030 mg/100g) content makes it the ideal die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment for pro­fes­sio­nal and ama­teur ath­letes alike. Morin­ga natu­ral­ly contains 8 essen­tial ami­no acids, inclu­ding Leu­cine, essen­tial for rebuil­ding the muscles of top-level ath­letes, and Magne­sium, which is invol­ved in the Krebs cycle and the conver­sion of car­bo­hy­drates and lipids into energy.

For your break­fasts or snacks, Morin­ga + Ace­ro­la Moringa+Boost PREMIUM leaf pow­der blen­ded into a smoo­thie pro­vides ath­letes with the Pro­tein and Vita­min C they need for a heal­thy, balan­ced life.

Taking the qua­li­ties of morin­ga as the basis for their deve­lop­ment, our resear­chers and nutri­tio­nists have crea­ted Moringa+Boost Ener­gy Shots, which are real ener­gy boos­ters, to be taken before or during exercise.

They have been desi­gned to pro­vide sports­men and women with the ele­ments neces­sa­ry for blood cir­cu­la­tion and ener­gy pro­duc­tion, as well as the vita­mins essen­tial to the body.

They contri­bute to the meta­bo­lism of pro­teins and gly­co­gen, essen­tial for rapid­ly sup­plying ener­gy to muscles during phy­si­cal effort, to the pro­per func­tio­ning of the ner­vous sys­tem and muscles — inclu­ding the heart — and to the for­ma­tion of red blood cells.

No conces­sions were made in our spe­ci­fi­ca­tions during the long deve­lop­ment pro­cess, because our aim is to offer you a heal­thy, tas­ty boos­ter that’s easy to take with you when you train, com­pete or hike.


moringa sports
moringa bodybuilding

Burn Out

moringa burn out

Morin­ga is high­ly recom­men­ded for people suf­fe­ring from bur­nout, as it is par­ti­cu­lar­ly rich in magne­sium, iron, ami­no acids and trace elements. 

Bet­ter still, it can help prevent it.

Morin­ga is high in ami­no acids, inclu­ding tryp­to­phan, which releases sero­to­nin, impro­ving the patient’s psy­cho­lo­gi­cal state.
Morin­ga’s high Magne­sium content helps to bet­ter manage emo­tions such as stress and anxiety.


moringa menopause

For women in the ear­ly stages of meno­pause, Moringa+Boost Meno­pause gel sticks can be an excellent natu­ral and heal­thy alter­na­tive to hor­mone treat­ments. Hot flushes, insom­nia, weight gain: these are all incon­ve­niences expe­rien­ced by meno­pau­sal women. Women who can’t stand or don’t want to take hor­mone treat­ments can find the vita­mins and mine­rals they need to get through this stage of life with peace of mind in the dai­ly consump­tion of Moringa+Boost Meno­pause gel sticks.

Decli­ning pro­ges­te­rone and estro­gen in the years lea­ding up to meno­pause can also cause anxie­ty and emo­tio­nal dis­tress. Lemon balm, ange­li­ca, ace­ro­la and of course morin­ga contri­bute to women’s com­fort and well-being in a gentle, natu­ral way.

What’s more, the Vita­mins B6, B12, C, D and K1, as well as Magne­sium, Iron and Cal­cium found in Moringa+Boost Meno­pause gel sticks are the ele­ments a woman’s body needs during meno­pause and post-menopause.

Taking Moringa+Boost Meno­pause gel sticks eve­ry day is the­re­fore an excellent way to prevent the side effects cau­sed by this hor­mo­nal change.


moringa breastfeeding

Morin­ga consump­tion helps increase milk production.

That’s why 2 teas­poons (4 gr.) of Morin­ga + Ace­ro­la Moringa+Boost PREMIUM Pow­der in a smoo­thie or fruit juice pro­vides the neces­sa­ry dai­ly amount of morin­ga for the young mother breast­fee­ding her baby, and is ideal as an appe­tite sup­pres­sant mid-mor­ning or in the after­noon. Howe­ver, we recom­mend that you seek the advice of a heal­th­care professional.


moringa for the elderly

The main mine­rals contai­ned in morin­ga are Magne­sium, Cal­cium, Iron and Potas­sium, defi­cien­cies of which are wides­pread among the elderly.

What’s more, morin­ga’s fiber content faci­li­tates intes­ti­nal transit.

The high Vita­min A content helps main­tain vision. A suf­fi­cient intake of vita­min A reduces the risk of cata­racts and macu­lar degeneration.

Vita­min E helps pro­tect cells against oxi­da­tive stress, res­pon­sible for cell aging. It is neces­sa­ry for the pro­per func­tio­ning of the ner­vous sys­tem and muscle tissue.

Morin­ga Boost Seniors gel sticks are a concen­trate of Vita­mins A, B1, C and E, as well as Magne­sium and Cal­cium in a small, conve­nient dai­ly scoop for breakfast.


moringa vegan
Easi­ly assi­mi­la­ted by the body, its high plant pro­tein and cal­cium content makes morin­ga the ideal food for vegans.

What’s more, all the other Nutrients, Vita­mins and Essen­tial Ami­no Acids present in Morin­ga + Ace­ro­la Leaf Pow­der Moringa+Boost PREMIUM har­mo­nious­ly and effec­ti­ve­ly com­ple­ment an exclu­si­ve­ly plant-based diet.

2 teas­poons, blen­ded into smoo­thies or sprink­led on a salad, will liven up any meal! Have you ever tried repla­cing basil with morin­ga pow­der in your pesto?


moringa flexitarian
Morin­ga consump­tion also helps to reduce meat consump­tion, by pro­vi­ding the plant pro­teins the body needs.

By taking 2 teas­poons (4g.) of Morin­ga leaf pow­der + Ace­ro­la Moringa+Boost PREMIUM dai­ly, you can rea­so­na­bly reduce your ani­mal pro­tein intake.

Early winter

moringa early winter

To effec­ti­ve­ly boost your natu­ral defenses, we recom­mend that you pre­pare your body by taking 2 IMMUNE SYSTEM Morin­ga Boost cap­sules dai­ly for 60 conse­cu­tive days in ear­ly autumn, with the excep­tion of pre­gnant women.

Rich in pro­tein, Morin­ga also contains 48 antioxi­dants, 12 vita­mins (A (beta-caro­tene), B1, B2 (ribo­fla­vin), B3 (or PP), B5, B6, B8, B9, B12, C, E, K), 13 mine­rals and trace ele­ments inclu­ding Magne­sium, Iron, Cal­cium, Man­ga­nese, Phos­pho­rus, Potas­sium, Sodium and Zinc, Omega‑3 and Omega‑6 fat­ty acids, 20 ami­no acids inclu­ding 8 essen­tial ones such as Iso­leu­cine, Leu­cine, Lysine, Valine, Methio­nine, Threo­nine, Phe­ny­la­la­nine and Tryptophan.

In IMMUNE SYSTEM Morin­ga Boost cap­sules, the natu­ral pro­per­ties of Morin­ga have been rein­for­ced by a high level of Vita­min D, Zinc and Magne­sium to help defend your body against viral aggression.