
Moringa+Boost Menopause Gel Sticks


Free delivery for orders over €45


12 ml (0.42 fl.oz) food-gel sticks, box of 20 units

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* Prices may vary slightly according to VAT in the destination country. (European regulation of July 1, 2021)

Not suitable for pregnant women

Do not administer to children under 18 years of age


  • Die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment with Morin­ga, Ace­ro­la, Ange­li­ca and Lemon balm.
  • Contains magne­sium, cal­cium, iron and vita­mins B6, B12, C, D and K1

Decli­ning pro­ges­te­rone and estro­gen levels in the years lea­ding up to meno­pause, and changes in a woman’s body during and after meno­pause, can not only cause dis­com­fort, but also put her at risk of osteo­po­ro­sis and vas­cu­lar disorders.
To prevent the side effects asso­cia­ted with this new phase of life, it’s impor­tant to streng­then your defenses by taking Moringa+Boost Meno­pause sticks eve­ry day, spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned to sup­port women in the meno­pause and post-meno­pause phases.

Nutritional information

1 stick per day pro­vides (RDA) :

  • 100% Vita­min B6
  • 100% Vita­min B12
  • 100% Vita­min D
  • 35% Magne­sium
  • 30% Vita­min C
  • 30% Iron
  • 30% Vita­mins K1
  • 15% Cal­cium


  • Store in a cool, dry place.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.
  • Do not use during pregnancy.
  • Do not admi­nis­ter to chil­dren under 18.
  • Seek the advice of a heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nal if you are breast-feeding.
  • A die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment is no sub­sti­tute for a varied, balan­ced diet and a heal­thy lifestyle.
  • Do not exceed the recom­men­ded dai­ly dose.

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